Cheap Desktop Computers – Make A Great System For Under $300 Bucks!
Cheap Desktop Computers
Are you looking for a cheap desktop computer? You know, one that doesn’t have to be a powerful gaming computer or requires hardcore processing power? Why would someone want such a computer anyway?

If you are looking for a Rikomagic MK902, you can find one here!
Let’s discuss why cheap desktop computers may make the most sense. It all comes down to what the computers will be used for.
Are you in a business situation where what you typically work with Email, Word docs and Spreadsheets?
Are you creating and editing videos, doing animation, CAD, etc?
When trying to decide if cheap desktop computers are the right choice for you, it depends on the demands you will be placing on these devices. Do the applications you need to use require a lot of processing power, such as video editing and converting? Video editing, multi-track audio recording require a lot of CPU power, memory and hard disk IO. In addition, if you do a lot of gaming, then you are already aware that most games place a lot of demands on graphics, in addition to processing and IO.
I would say that if your needs fall in line with what I just described, then cheap desktop computers do not make sense for you to consider. You will just be frustrated with the lack of performance.
But, what if you just need something to browse the Internet, read Email, etc. Then, cheap desktop computers may make sense! In fact, this may be ideal for most situations. I actually prefer cheap desktop computers because I can get a few of them.
Let me explain my point of view:
I love gaming, but not on computers. That’s what an Xbox, or other gaming console is for. I prefer to keep my computing world separate from my gaming world. Perhaps that is just me, but that is what I do.
I love to record music and do video editing. As I discussed, cheap desktop computers do not work well for these applications. So, I have a power horse of a computer that I dedicate to those things. So, why then do I have about 4 other cheap desktop computers and how to I use them?
I have the Rikomagic MK802iv, MK902 and a Foxconn Netbox Mini Pc. Each of these cheap desktop computers as advantages and disadvantages. For all of them, you will need to buy extra things, like a pointing device and keyboard. You also will need some kind of display. This is where you can get creative. Most displays can accept high definition input, so I can plug any of these into cheap desktop computers by plugging them into any computer monitor and using it as a desktop pc. The beauty of these devices is that you can also hook them up to your HDTV with the HDMI connector. This saves you the expense of even having to buy a computer monitor.
The Foxconn Nexbox Mini PC that I bought is a barebones system. That means that I needed to buy a hard drive and ram chip to add to the hardware. Then, I had to install the OS an all other programs. I choose to install MS Windows 7 and dual boot into a Linux OS as well. While the Foxconn gives me more power and flexibility, it costs the most. Since I am using my HDTV for the display, the Foxconn cost me a total of $250 for all of the hardware. If I had to add a monitor for $100, I would have a cheap desktop computer for under $350.
Both Rikomagic mini pcs cost under $100, and if you add an micro SD card, mouse and keyboard, you are under $200. If you wanted to add a computer monitor and not use your existing tv, you can add $100 or so. Each of these are cheap desktop computers for under $300.
The Rikomagic computers run Android, and the Foxconn doesn’t. The Foxconn runs Windows, the Rikomagic computers do not. Either way, these options are the definition of cheap desktop computers. Hooking any of them up to your HDTV gives you a fun packed entertainment center that can double as a workstation.
Now, if you were not a home consumer, but instead a business, you may want to consider cheap desktop computers. No matter what you get, you will need to replace computers as time goes on. I would rather replace a hundred cheap desktop computers at $350 each or less, then a hundred more powerful workstations at $800 or more each. IT Budgets continue to get slashed and this is a great way to compensate. Do more with less seems to be the trend here. Cheap desktop computers may be your answer. You may want to consider reading my article on thin client applications, like Citrix or 2X if you have a large amount of clients you wish to support.